Rabbits prefer cold to hot weather. I've lived in Arizona where temperatures got over 120F and was able to avoid losing rabbits to the heat but you have to make accommodations to help them stay cool.
Heat is especially hard on newborn babies up to about two weeks when they can finally leave the nest. The fattest fastest growing babies in the litter will look fine then be dead and hour later. Some get stuck under the bedding under a pile of siblings and become over heated. Heat also can make a buck, especially older ones, temporarily sterile. All rabbits look miserable in the heat of the day and appetite drops off. When a doe isn't taking in as much feed, she can't produce as much milk or maintain her weight. So, she can't raise as many in a litter or they'll grow slower and you'll have to wait longer to rebreed. If rabbits get too hot they die, whereas adult rabbits can handle extreme cold as long as they are kept dry.
Keeping rabbits cool
Provide shade
I keep my rabbits under my apple trees. Anywhere sun can shine I have attached white feed bags to reflect the sun and keep them shaded.
Evaporative cooling
Works well in dry climates. This will not work well in humid conditions. In Arizona I used a mist system surrounding my rabbit hutches. I'd also hang heavy cloth or burlap drapes around the exterior and spray them with water. Spraying water around and under the pens also helps create an evaporative cooling effect. Ears function for your rabbit like the radiator in a car. My rabbits enjoy me wipping water over their ears and fur.
A ceramic tile to lay on will help draw away body heat from the rabbit. Ice bottles to lay next to can help them get through an especially hot day.
Take kits inside
Bring the nestbox inside during the hottest part of the day, then return after the sun goes down. This method has virtually eliminated losses due to kits getting overheated. My mothers don't mind their babies being handled. I've only needed to do this until they start leaving the nest at about 2 weeks.
Keep indoors
Some rabbit breeders will have a climate controlled shed. In dry climates a swamp cooler makes a big difference. Air conditioning is expensive. Rabbits can be kept in stackable cages in a basement. You'll just need to have that room well ventilated and clean daily.
Underground burrow
Rabbits like to dig. Going underground is the natural way a rabbit would keep comfortable and keep their young safe from the elements. The downside is they can dig under fencing and escape or a burrow can collapse or fill with water. I have successfully raised many litters underground in both extreme heat and cold.
Heat can be a great filter for deciding which rabbits to keep or determine those that need to be replaced. I keep an eye out for my does that do best in the heat. If they can raise large litters during the summer and maintain their weight, I target their young for replacement stock.